As promised in my previous post, here's the first completion of several tags I was blind-sided with. Mike wanted to know "8 Things", so eight things, it is. I don't think I've posted any of this before, but I'm much too lazy to go back into the archives and confirm that.
1) Whenever I go pretty much anywhere, if I'm the person driving, I slip my car keys onto my right pinkie finger and carry them instead of putting them in my purse or pocket. This is NOT a good habit and I have no idea when it began.
2) Although I'm right handed, I cannot snap with my right fingers. They look like they're snapping but don't make any noise. My left fingers snap just fine.
3) I'm pretty sure I have the ugliest tongue in the world....past, present or future. My children agree with this and for fun, they get me to show it to their friends :/. There's no doubt people would pay money at a Circus Freak Show to see it. Saving grace? at least I'm not the bearded lady.
4) I order food in a restaurant like Meg Ryan's character in
"When Harry Met Sally"...not that there's anything wrong with that...!
5) When I'm tanning, I do whatever I have to to avoid tan lines on my back and shoulders. This befuddles my husband since I haven't worn a strapless dress in YEARS....but I HAVE worn halters, so that's close enough.
6) I
torture photograph my children three times a year and it's ALWAYS a production. Christmas, Easter and while we're at the beach. We have a formula: I beg threaten coerce manipulate bribe beat them into submission sweetly ask them to cooperate and they lovingly agree immediately comply give me "the look". We take a thousand pictures and always manage to get one or two really good ones. More of those, though, in my Kiawah "Top Ten", coming up eventually soon.
7) I fantasize about would love to be a Sommelier...not just a sommelier, but a Master Sommelier. Not because I'm a lush...or because I'm haughty or arrogant or a know-it-all...or because I wanna give a finger to the SBC. I just think it'd be cool to be a wine understand the subtleties and complexities and richness and qualities of every bottle known to man...and to know how to pair a bottle with a meal that would compliment and enrich the enjoyment of both...and to help people choose a wine they would rave about and remember FOREVAH.
8) I always sleep on the left side of the bed, even when we're traveling. Otherwise I'm totally disoriented.
Want a relatively easy post to write? Consider yourself many of you have done this already BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER WHO so I wouldn't know who to tag. If you decide to do it, lemme know--I'd love to read your eight things :).