1) It IS a word, and 2) if you receive one, it most definitely brings with it a smile.
For example, recently my friend Karmyn asked me to guest blog for her while her family was on
vacation in California. I was quite surprised and delighted upon returning home from our trip out West the week following hers, to receive this in the mail as a "thank you" for writing in her stead. Totally unexpected, this package of treats was a perfect example of a surcee (notice the chocolate, it's waiting patiently to be eaten).
"Surcee" is a word introduced to me in college by my then new-found best friend in crime, Cassie. Cassie was from the Charleston, S.C. area and I was instantly drawn to her interesting, almost geechie, Low Country accent. In spite of what those who live outside the American South may think, all Southernese is NOT the same, not even within the same state. Hollywood usually butchers the endearing Southern drawl, but the girlie-Qs at Designing Women got it right (even Jean Smart, the only non-Southern born main character) (which reminds me, it still makes me grin remembering that Willowtree envisioned me resembling Delta Burke before seeing a Lucy-esque smoking hot picture of me...I guess he could "hear" my Southern accent :) ).
Cassie was great about giving me little, inexpensive "thought gifts". A batch of cookies, a box of Kleenex when your broke roommate with a raging cold was using scratchy, rough dorm toilet paper to blow her nose, a can of "good" hairspray because this was the 80's and big hair was in (Cassie swears I used to roll my hair three times before going out, but I think am sure she was exaggerating...).
Surcees are ALWAYS about the thought, never expected, and are usually met with squeals of delight and gushes of gratitude. Are you beginning to get a picture? This is a good word--it's an IMPORTANT word--and I think I shall make it my business to expand its use beyond a few Southern states*.
To give further illustration, consider Exhibit B:
Can you tell what this is?
What about now?
You've just GOT to supersize the second picture to read the postcard--it's just as much a part of the surcee as the beverage cuff itself. For absolutely, positively NO reason, Erin (They Hang Like Paper Lanterns) saw this, thought of me and had to send it. How sweet is that?! Opening that padded mailer changed the course of my day and gave me fresh reason to smile.
It doesn't take much, folks...forget apples, I think "A surcee a day" might just "keep the doctor away" :).
Thanks, Karmyn and Erin......y'all are surcelicious!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Surcee cercie surcy sercie surcie sirsee is an elusive term. Although it was a reach to find anything on it, this source was pretty funny (associated with white gloves and a quiet, genteel nature?
Y e a h, that's me). Hmmm, maybe I should draft a Wikipedia for it (ha!).
* scroll down to Sussy Q, Part II.
And one last link from Word Dectective, the only other one I found.