This week's Fun Monday is hosted by Lisa (she is SUCH a Food Snob! ;) ), and mine will be up tonight. I'm warnin' ya, it's gonna be good enough to eat!! :)
Wouldn't you know it...last night AND tonight we went out for dinner (and goodness knows, I'm not cookin' during the day). I didn't make what I was planning on making to photograph and post for Fun Monday.
Soooo, for all you early FM hoppers who've seen what everyone else is cooking, would you please so kindly help me decide a recipe to post? These are a few of my favorite standards--some of which I've posted in the past--but because they're so stinkin' good, they bear repeating.....
Pan-seared halibut
Sweet & Sour Green Beans
Pineapple pork roast
The world's best chocolate pound cake
Step-by-step perfect pie crust
Homemade butter mints
Sourdough bread (and starter)
Noni's Chicken Stew (cold weather's coming...!)
Supreme Squash Casserole
Chocolate Eclair Dessert (easygreasy for serving a crowd)
Raspberry Cosmopolitan
Georgia Peach Martini (not that I'm endorsing the consumption of the wicked drink or anything on these last two...)
OOooo, and check back Tuesday to learn the theme for next week's Fun Monday where I'll be lucky enough to host :).