I'm pleased to host this week's Fun Monday and I'm already looking forward to reading your favorite inspiring quotes--I suspect by the end of FM blog hopping, everyone will have a few more favorites to add to their list! (For additional details about this week's theme, please click here). Please be sure to let to visit (and comment to) as many FM posts as possible--even if your "Monday" lasts all week long!
If you've never joined this group, what an encouraging week to begin--there's no such thing as "too late" to sign up! If you're a first-timer, let me know in comments and I'll be sure to make note of it in the listing below. Thanks to all of you who've already signed up and please be sure to check your link below to make sure it's not broken. For the convenience of those who just remembered (or just learned about) Fun Monday, sign into Mr. Linky below my posted links, and I'll add you to the current list as soon as I'm able (you're still welcome to post a comment or email to let me know).
THANKS FOR JOINING IN THIS WEEK! Next week's host is Jo Beafoix and her theme is gonna be a ton of fun!
Robin, Pensieve (oops...I almost forgot to include myself! Ha!!)
Janet, From the Planet of Janet
Swampwitch, Anecdotes, Antidotes & Anodes
Lisa, Lisa's Chaos
Jo, This is Jo Beaufoix... - NEXT WEEK'S HOSTESS
Patience, Patience-Please
ChrisB, Ms Cellania
Ellen, The Happy Wonderer
Kaytabug, Lady K
Swampangel65, A Florida Journal
Mariposa, Mariposa's Tales
AOJ & The Lurchers
Carrie, Carrie & the Koehmstedts
Lisa, The Food Snob
Janjanmom, All in a Day's Work
Jan, The Prytz Family
Karina, Candid Karina
Celeste, Ragracers
Sandy, Myanderings
Alison, RDH Mom
Jenn, Simply Jenn
Pamela, The Dust Will Wait
Alix, DC Days
Deb, Deb's Buzz (One Crazy Stitcher)
Molly, Return of the White Robin
Junebug, God Put a Smile on My Face
Kim, Rainy Day Diamonds
Peculiar, How Do We Get There From Here ** FIRST FUN MONDAY! :)
Jenn V., Jenn's Inklings
Joy T., A Spot of T
Nikki, My Husband Calls Me Weird
Rotten Correspondent, Confessions of a Rotten Correspondent
Sauntering Soul
Jientje, Heaven in Belgium
Tiggerlane, The Neophyte Blogger
Beth, The First of Six
Rose, Rose's Garden ** FIRST FUN MONDAY, new blogger & Karina's mom!
Hootin' Anni, Hootin' Anni's
Melanie, Our Happy Happenings
Sayre, SayreSmiles
Jenn, Jenn and the City ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Nutso, House of the Purple Worms
Gattina, Writer Cramps
Katie (Kitten), Kitten's Homeschool
Faye, Summit Musings
Hulagirlatheart, Growing Older but Not Up
Kim & Randy, Nekkid Lizard Adventures
Jennifer, Dust Bunny Hostage
IamwhoIam, Dungarees Ablaze
Arkansas Songbird, Quarter Notes
Arie 1965, Beyond My Slab
Rachel, Pink Basement Dweller
Dawn, Colors of Dawn
Terri, My4Kids
Kila, Momto3cubs
Stephanie, MamaDrama
Min, MamaDrama
Storyteller, Small Reflections ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Lil Mouse, The Name was Over the Door
Baba, Night Owl
Jamie, Wisink6's Weblog ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Thanks to Gattina for the adorable Fun Monday logo at the top of the page--I had wondered who designed it! Does anyone recall who came up with the purple logo above? I know the original green one was by Chris B's grandson. If you let me know, I'll credit all the logos on the Fun Monday info page :). Thanks!