Without reading the first part of this post, the conclusion probably won't make much sense. Please click the link or scroll down a few :). An invitation awaits those of you who read to the end!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And show 'em how to dance to a new rhythm,
Whistle a new song,
Toast with a new vintage,
The fizz doesn't fizz too long.
In May, without fully knowing what I was getting into, I wrote to Megan, author of Velveteen Mind, about editing a channel for her new baby, Blog Nosh Magazine. We exchanged a few emails with her asking which channels were of interest to me, and me responding with a half-mile-long list.
Ultimately she asked me to edit for Religion/Philosphy, which surprised me. Though I'm an unashamed, publicly- professing Jesus Freak, I don't regularly blog about my faith. I've often said I'm a Christian who blogs, not a Christian blogger.
Right about the same time, I read about SheSpeaks, a conference for women designed to provide "the tools and the confidence to answer God's call on your life." As I shared back then, the attraction was "Three tracks--for speakers, women's ministry leaders and writers...iced with sessions specifically for bloggers. The cherries on that
icing? Bloggers whom I'd been reading for years, Shannon (Rocks in My Dryer), Sophie (BooMama) and Melanie (Big Mama), were leading these sessions. I was compelled to register."
I thought attending might provide direction for my new intentions and that I'd gain wisdom from the camaraderie of like-minded blog enthusiasts. It accomplished that and so much more--meeting dozens of bloggers (and speakers) in real life was delightful--stimulating, encouraging and impressive, too.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, when Alli aka Mrs. Fussypants approached me about writing/editing for Blissfully Domestic, an established ezine she founded with an already loyal following. I had met the managing editor and creative director, Karla (Looking Towards Heaven) at SheSpeaks. They explained Blissfully Domestic was under-going a huge re-design, it would be re-launched after Labor Day, they were adding several new columns...and would I be interested in joining their editorial staff?
Specifically, they courted me to shape Inspired Bliss, the magazine's new faith channel.
Again, the not-a-Christian-blogger being offered a role in editing and writing for a Christian ezine...definitely God's sense of humor (and grace!) showing.
It was then it finally occurred to me God was giving me a fabulous opportunity to incarnate Him through a medium I love: the written word. My love language is "words of encouragement" and both these ventures allow me to share my voice to honor this amazing King o' mine, while simultaneously encouraging and challenging others in their faith.
My concern was being typecast as a GodBlogger or Holy Roller, but really...all you have to do is read a few of my posts, and suddenly that concern vanishes :).
Throughout all this, the song referenced in this post has consistently played as ambient music, right over "there" in my mind's ear. As each stanza bellowed out its bawdy lines inside my head, I heard them as God "speaking" to me, initiating a way for me to join Him in a work already in progress. My blog.... No, I might not be a "Christian blogger", but I cannot divorce myself from my faith; "who" I am is centered in "Whose" I am.
There's only one way to make the bubbles stay,
Simply travel a new high way,
Dance to a new rhythm,
Open a new window ev'ry day!
Isn't that a wonderful way to characterize stepping outside your comfort zone? Seizing opportunity??
What about you? Would you like to "dance to a new rhythm"? "Open a new window"? I'm looking for regular columnists and guest contributors for Inspired Bliss (launching shortly after the BIG debut of Blissfully Domestic next week). If you'd like more information, would you email me (link top left corner of my sidebar) asap?
It sure would be more fun having a few friends join in this sing-a-long ;).