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I'd curl up with a good book before taking a leisurely walk.

Rarely get a day to myself - hubby and I both work at home. But would love to have one: would eat when I wanted and whatever smelly food I wish (including garlic ;-0). Would play piano any time of day. Would read and just have some quiet time.


Sit and read or sew..with quiet! And coffee!

i would sleep, get my nails done and enjoy the quiet with a good book and a VERY large starbucks!!

I would start the day with sleeping in (till around 9). I would take a leisure walk. Come home to a great breakfast (I wouldn't cook it, but whoever cooked it would not be there when I returned). Then a warm bath. The rest of the day would be reserved for chick flicks!

Well, it depends.

If I had a day to accomplish what I want to accomplish without interruptions or people needing food, I would clean and sew and knit and eat cookies all day.

If I get to be selfish and someone else does the chores for the day, I would call my sister's and mother and we would have lunch, and talk. Then my sister's and I would go shopping. We would meet up with my mother again later and maybe see a movie and have dinner. With dessert!

A day all to myself...I'd start with sleeping in, then go get a haircut & color, a manicure, and have a day of shopping!

I'd prefer to have my day to myself at the beach, where I would sleep in, take a nice long walk (or two) on the beach, read a book on the deck, take a nap, and make myself a nice dinner of things my husband won't eat.

I wish I could hire eight people: two to work on my yard and garden, two to clean, one to run errands and shop for delicacies, one to cook and prepare wonderful meals and treats, and one to give me massages in between meals and naps and watching the workers. Do I get this indulgence for one day only? Perhaps every Monday, would that work?

I just did the math and found I have an extra staff member! I would share that staff member with you, Robin! Enjoy.

Hmm...I'd sleep late, but then I would get somethings done in my house!

I love to paint, redecorate, but with working fulltime and two kids in school (and a mom that has battled cancer this year- blessedly in remission now)....there has been NO TIME to do the little projects that I sooo want to do. So while it might sound like work, a day of "puttering" in my home all alone would be wonderful to me!!

A day to myself to get done all the little things that I like to do but never have time or energy to do with taking care of the kids. I would get caught up on my scrapbooking and organize my house.

My perfect day off... First off, I'd sleep in, or as long as I could until the dogs would wake me. I'd take them out, walk back in, fix some chocolate milk (I don't drink coffee), and sit for a half hour or so on the back porch and watch them play. I'd go for an hour bike ride, then come home, take a nap, and read one of my latest books. I'd finish the day cuddling on the couch with my sweetheart and watching a scary movie as we love to do in our spare time. It's the simple things that really make my life complete.

If I had a day to myself, I'd go and scrapbook pictures of my kids. I love being creative and having that special record to pass on to the boys.

I would love to have a quiet day to myself...to read, sew, make art, and pamper myself with a pedicure. Sounds like bliss.

I would sleep in, read, go shopping, and just relaxe.

I would finally read through my stack of neglected magazines, shop with my birthday money, and do some blog writing.

I would be totally irresponsible: I would roll out of bed whenever I woke up, pull on a housecoat and slippers, and read some youth fiction all day.

Sleep in, catch up on my InStyle mags, drink 2 cups of coffee, play with my puppy and cook a great meal :)

I would laze around in the bed later than usual, read a good book without being interrupted, take a long, hot bath and munch on snacky stuff all day! :-) That would be the relaxing, non-expensive thing I'd pick. Now if I had extra money laying around(by some miracle of course!) I might be tempted to go shopping by myself since that's something no one else in my family really likes to do!

I'd spend it sleeping in, and then scrapbooking until the wee hours of the night!

If I had a day to myself, I would first sleep in(without having to get up and make Hubby's lunch first). Then I would call and make an appt for a mani/pedi for around 3 in the afternoon. Before I went for the spa visit I would have lunch with a dear friend and laugh and talk about old times(there never seems to be enough time anymore for that) After my mani/pedi I would go buy myself a new bra and a pretty new sweater. Then I would go home and my hubby will have made dinner for me, and a nice hot bubble bath for me to listen to soft music and soak by candle light. When I got out the dishes would be done and a cup of hot tea waiting with small cookies.
then off to bed with clean crisp sheets sprayed with sweet perfume. ahhhhh sounds great!

With a one month old newborn the ONLY thing that comes to mind is sleep, sleep and more sleep. With maybe a pedicure and massage thrown in. Maybe I could sleep during those too? (pick me)

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Ahh, a day to myself...

I would love to read a good book, work on some knitting/crochet, watch a good Chick Flick, and take a nap. Sounds luxurious!

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